Saturday, 12 July 2014

A Hot Day Collecting Peaks

Sometimes plans don't turn out like you want, like today I planned on leaving the house by 5AM but what happened: I slept through my alarm, didn't get the North Shore Mountains until 8:30 and ran out of water. Overall it was still an amazing day.

So with the late start I decided to head back to Crown Mountain to see the views on a nice day, the Grind was busy (as always) so I decided to take Flint & Feather up. I love this hike, there are very few people ever on it, mostly locals and it is a bit hard to find so it always feels special. 

I thought I was ready for the steep incline and shouldn't be a problem. Boy was I wrong, it took me almost hour and a half to get to the chalet. Unlike the Grind, there's a beautiful view on the way up. 

View from the bluffs on Flint & Feather
After getting to the top, I headed over straight to Crown Mountain. By now I lost track of time, mostly hiking the trail rather then running. Since it is such a technical and steep trail in sections it made sense (in my head) to take it easy. 

Crown, my new favorite spot
Even though I was taking it easy I heard some voices coming behind me near Crown Pass, at the same time I could see a couple guys a head of me just starting the climb up to Crown. Now I'm not really competitive but come on I had to beat the two groups to the top, if I didn't what kind of ultra runner would I be. Of course get to the top I did with plenty of time to spare. I didn't even see the other groups again until I was already heading back down.

View of the valley

Me sitting on the very peak of Crown

The view of the city

View of Grouse

Mt Baker
The Lions, I'll see you on Sunday

After Crown I headed over to Goat to finally bag that mountain. By this time I was getting fatigued with all the elevation change. The climb up to Goat seemed to take forever but I'm sure it didn't take as long as I think. I even ran into someone who said he's seen me around the mountains hiking. I guess being one of the only brown guy going into the forest it's bound to happen. :) I wished the his group a great day and trekked to the top. Lucky there some snow at the top, I felt my water bladder was getting low, I was almost out of water in one bottle and out of water in my other water bottle, so I filled my empty bottle with snow. The view was amazing but since I was a little tired I became a little disoriented and lost my way back for about 5 minutes before finding the trail down. 

View of Crown from Goat

Looking north from Goat

Looking at Grouse with me in the picture :)
After Goat it was a steady pace to see Little Goat and Dam, these were easily done without many issues. Once I got into the Grouse resort area, I ran over to the chalet and bought a Powerade and Coke. With the priced Grouse charges it would be nice if the drinks were cold :( I had a seat in the "chair of death" for about 30 minutes while I ate and drank to my heart's content. It was needed, also gave me a chance to check my water in the bladder. Almost out, I made the decision to call it a day there since there isn't a water tap up at Grouse (if anyone knows of one please let me know, Grouse removed the one at the top of the Grind). The hike down the BCMC was slow but I had a smile on my face because I know how to do it right :) just like the smiley face near the bottom. I actually ran out of water just before the smiley face but knowing there was cold water in a cooler at the car I ran rest of the way.

The smiley face near the bottom of BCMC

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